Lifelong learning: in the modern economy, learning has become a necessary and enriching activity during the various stages of life. Since the Lisbon Strategy, European cooperation on education and training has been underpinned by the principle of lifelong learning from early childhood to adult learning. Requests by stakeholders, including by learners, providers and employers, for a simpler, more user-friendly and more flexible approach to implementing the lifelong learning paradigm plead for an enhanced coordination between the various education and training sectors and for a strongly integrated overall policy framework.
Operational since 2014, EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) provides a collaborative space for enhanced networking and cooperation among adult learning professionals (educators and policymakers) across the EU. It aims at driving change in the adult learning sector and support its transformation. It provides a repository of high quality learning resources that will enable staff to further develop their teaching and outreach skills and an incubator for cooperation and the development of digital teaching materials, in particular Open Learning Resources.