1.1.believes that the vitality of the EU depends to a great extent on a strong European identity and on citizens’ identifying with the EU, while preserving national self-identity, and that the success of the European project is based on its values, tolerance and a commitment to diversity of cultures, religions and heritage. Therefore, it is important to strengthen citizens’ knowledge and understanding of EU history and culture, fundamental values and rights, core principles and decisions, and the decision-making processes at EU level. It is also important to advocate global citizenship and the role of the EU as a global actor.
1.2. underlines that holistic education, training and lifelong learning (LLL) have an essential role to play in strengthening EU identity, a sense of community and belonging, and responsibility of EU citizens, encouraging their active participation in decision-making about the EU; stresses that they contribute to peace, security, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, solidarity and mutual respect, sustainable economic growth and social inclusion and fairness, while respecting and enriching cultural diversity. The goals of EU integration, its advantages and drawbacks must be addressed boldly and confidently at the MS and EU level alike.