From the text of the tender:
"As part of the Fellowships for Innovations in Higher Education programme, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Stifterverband are announcing again for Teachers who work at state-run universities or at state-financed universities in the State of North Rhine-Westphalian up to 40 fellowships for innovations in digital higher education in 2019. Fellowships can also be awarded to lecturers who cooperate with a university didactician or a teaching researcher or with a lecturer from another subject or university (tandem fellowships). Both applicants must be employed at a state-run higher education institution or at a state-financed higher education institution in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The aim of the programme is,
- To create incentives for the development and testing of digitally supported teaching and examination formats (e.g. MOOCS, flipped/inverted classroom, games, simulations, e-exams) or the redesign of modules and study sections using digital technologies;
- to promote the exchange on (digital) university teaching and the dissemination of the teaching innovations developed by networking the Fellows;
- to contribute to the sustainability of digital higher education teaching in the universities themselves".
The following paragraph concerning the use of open licences is also included in the call for tenders:
"The digital teaching/learning materials developed in the context of the Fellowship must be placed in the future state-wide online portal for studies and teaching in NRW ( as Open Educational Resources (at least under the licence CC BY-SA 4.0 DE)."
Translated with
- English
- German