Policy for Open Education and Educational Resources is part of the Finnish national policy framework of open science and research. It is one of four policies, others of which are Policy for Open Scholarship, Policy for for Open Access to Scholarly Publications and Policy for Open Access to Research Data and Methods. All the policies further determine goals set in Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020-2025, in which Finnish research community set itself a vision and a mission for open science and research.
Policy for Open Education and Educational Resources contains a general introduction for the policy, four Principles regulating the actions promoting Open Education (on quality of Open Education, on juridical and ethical presuppositions of Open Education, on inclusiveness of Open Education and on recognition of Open Education) and two Policy Components: first on Open Access to Educational Resources and second on Open Educational Practices. The first Policy Component contains three objectives and actions supporting those objectives (on capacities for Finnish OER production, on the quality and quantity of Finnish OER and on the international reputation of Finnish OER). The second Policy Component contains three objectives and actions supporting those objectives (on the open education services provided by higher educations institutions, on opportunities of open education provided for the learners and on the use of open education as part of societal interaction of the higher education and research community).
Policy for Open Education and Educational Resources has been drafted by a working group appointed by the national Expert Panel on Open Education. A draft of the policy has been through a public round of comments. The final policy has been approved by the Finnish National Steering Group for Open Science.