The online portal wb-web serves the interests of hundreds of thousands of teachers working in adult education and further education in German-speaking countries. It focuses on the development of pedagogical professionalism.
The wb-web editorial team informs its users about trends, discussions, research results and publications concerning the continuing education landscape. Modules make content available about the fields of work, consulting, teaching/learning, interaction, methods, media and diagnosis. In addition, teaching material is offered for the preparation, realisation and follow-up of educational events. Dossiers on important topics of adult and continuing education bundle corresponding content elements and thus provide topic-related access.
A community offers the opportunity for professional exchange and networking, even beyond one's own fields of action, regional borders and subject boundaries. As a freely accessible portal, wb-web supports teachers – trainers, course leaders, teamers, lecturers – in creating methodically and didactically valuable training opportunities for further education. The practitioners have the opportunity to take an active part and to help shape content on the platform.
The contents are published almost exclusively under CC BY-SA 3.0 DE license. wb-web was developed by the German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Center for Lifelong Learning (DIE) together with the Bertelsmann Stiftung from 2014 to 2016 and since March 2016 it is provided only by DIE.
- English
- German