As indicated by its name, this policy is basically an Open-Access-Policy. Nevertheless it mentions expicitly Open Educational Resources:
"Die Universität Hamburg bekennt sich zur dauerhaften Erhaltung sowie zur zuverlässigen Be-reitstellung und Nutzbarmachung von Publikationsdaten („Open Access“ im engeren Sinne), For-schungsdaten („Open Data“)sowie von Lehr-und Lerndaten(„Open Educational Resources“), die im Folgenden zusammenfassend als wissenschaftliche Daten bezeichnet werden."
("The University of Hamburg is committed to the long-term preservation and reliable provision and utilization of publication data ("Open Access" in the narrower sense), research data ("Open Data") and teaching and learning data ("Open Educational Resources"), which are hereinafter collectively referred to as scientific data.")
The policy states that the university provides the necessary infrastructure and services to handle scientific date (=including OER). It mentions that the infrastructure is being provided by the regional computer centre ("Regionales Rechenzentrum RRZ"). Members of the University are encouraged to publish their scientific data (including OER) using this infrastructure:
"Die Angehörigen der Universität Hamburg werden ausdrücklich ermutigt und darin unterstützt, ihre Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsdaten, Repositorien, virtuellen wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen sowie E-Learning-und E-Lecturing-Angebote darüber zur Verfügung zu stellen."
("The members of the University of Hamburg are expressly encouraged and supported to make their research results, research data, repositories, virtual scientific collections as well as e-learning and e-lecturing offerings available via them.")
The policy also specifies the implementation of an Open-Access-representative, which acts as an point of contact and coordinator for all open access related affairs and mentions that the State- and University Library of Hamburg is responsible for library support including copyright, cataloguing and interfaces.
The policy explicitly is not obligatory for the members of the university.