The OER World Map collects data related to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education as described in the Cape Town Declaration and the 2012 OER Paris Declaration. Please add only related data. If not obvious, please outline the reference to OER in the description field.
A group of people sharing collective goals: universities, corporations, associations, and many others.
A permanently available offering that provides functionality and value to its users.
A temporary undertaking intended to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.
A gathering of people which takes place at a certain location (virtual or physical) at a certain time.
A tool that can be used to produce and distribute OER or that enables access or contribution to OER in any particular way.
A formal regulation or strategy regarding the creation and use of OER.
Every day teachers, school leaders, researchers, organisations and students discover new ideas and methods to make learning more effective, interesting and motivating. This might have a small impact o...
The project, that started at October 2022, is funded by the European Commission and managed by European Research Executive Agency (REA), through the Horizon Europe programme, within the framework of i...
The OPEN GAME project (Promoting Open Education through Gamification) aims to contribute to the uptake of Open Education Resources and Open Education Practices among educators in Higher Education in a...
In the 21st century a new learning ecosystem of students, educators, and resources developed: discover with us how digital resources can be a catalyst for change in university strategies. With society...
The European-wide Knowledge Alliance ‘BizMOOC‘ started on 1st of January 2016 and will run over a period of 3 years. The EU-funded project tackles the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour...
"The EU-funded BizMOOC project tackles the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour force and universities to increase their activities and exploitation (economies of scale) of the MOOC poten...
##Mission Statement The overarching goal of OpenMed is to raise awareness and facilitate the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in the Arab Mediterran...
International consortium Bielefeld University (leading organization): Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt & Marlene Pieper, M.A. Dalarna University, Sweden: Prof. Anette Bagger, Ph.D. Ostrava University, Czech Re...
Open Virtual Mobility (openVM) is a European strategic partnership dedicated to creating accessible opportunities for achievement of virtual mobility skills to ensure higher uptake of virtual mobility...
CO-LAB is a forward-looking project focused on making collaborative teaching and learning a reality in the classroom. Being able to collaborate effectively is a valuable 21st century skill, yet teachi...
ECDC’s main role as an agency of the European Union is to strengthen Europe’s defences against communicable diseases. In its first ten years, ECDC worked together with all EU/EEA countries in response...
The Commission will: Ensure that all educational materials supported by Erasmus+ are available to the public under open licenses and promote similar practices under EU programmes; Use the new progra...
Education and training have a strategic role to play in supporting the economic recovery in Europe. Although good progress has been made towards the education headline target set under the ‘Europe 202...
The EESC: 1.1.believes that the vitality of the EU depends to a great extent on a strong European identity and on citizens’ identifying with the EU, while preserving national self-identity, and that...
Encourage teachers to develop their professional role as learning facilitators and promoters of creativity, and help teacher education institutions to respond to the new demands of the teaching profes...
Notes that one of the main objectives of the Commission's initiative is to launch a wide-ranging debate in Europe on open education resources, in order to develop new innovative and more effective way...
The EESC is convinced that the role of teachers is central to the success of the ‘Opening up Education’ initiative. Their involvement in the design and implementation of the initiative, combined with ...
Exploiting the potential of open and online learning: One aspect of the drive to modernise higher education has focused on the use of digital technologies to stimulate innovation, personalisation and ...
This Staff Working Document accompanies the new European initiative on 'Opening up Education'. It outlines the scope, size and complexity of the challenges that lie ahead, in order to modernize and op...
Whereas the European lifelong learning strategy should be reinforced; whereas every person, at every stage of their life should have lifelong learning opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills...
This communication aims to stimulate high-quality, innovative ways of learning and teaching using new technologies and digital content. It puts forward strategies for open learning environments* to de...
A number of stakeholders, including the Euro Chamber of Commerce, African and European think tanks and civil society, stressed that considerable attention must be given to providing access to educatio...
The innovation performance of the EU is growing, but not fast enough to ensure our future welfare. Modern universities as leading centres of innovation need to be empowered to create more innovation i...
Technology and the expectations of students are also changing. Students increasingly expect to choose what they learn, how they learn and when they learn, according to their individual needs and inter...
The EU’s first framework for digital education was launched in 2018 through the Digital Education Action Plan, with 11 actions focusing on the formal education sector. The 2018 Action Plan contributed...
Lifelong learning: in the modern economy, learning has become a necessary and enriching activity during the various stages of life. Since the Lisbon Strategy, European cooperation on education and tra...
Welcomes the Commission communication which sets out a Union agenda in the field of OERs, and which focuses on the potential of these resources to widen access to and equity in education and further d...
The following individual country summaries pinpoint the main challenges to skills provision specific to the different European countries and outline the most significant measures adopted to respond to...
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide includes an obligation to use open licenses for learning materials produced within Erasmus+ projects: Open Licence and Intellectual property rights In general, copyright...
Digital technology enriches education and offers new learning opportunities. The internet can open the learning experience to an unprecedented wealth of information, and provides a wide range of resou...
Accelerate massive constant up-and re-skilling: Life-long learning and the steady acquisition of new - ICT-related and other- skills is closely associated with sustainable employability. This is acute...
The impact of ICT and digital media on learning and teaching is already enormous, and will further change the way we acquire knowledge and competences. The growing availability of online content and o...
Calls for further improvement of the relevant IT tools and for the focus to be put on streamlining, user-friendliness and improving connections between the different tools rather than developing new o...
Digital learning and recent trends in Open Educational Resources (OER) are enabling fundamental changes in the education world, expanding the educational offer beyond its traditional formats and borde...
This Communication sets out a European agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative ways of learning and teaching through new technologies and digital content. ‘Opening up education' proposes actio...
The success of the European project depends on the EU’s capacity to build a better future for European citizens. This is a key message of the Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe. It is al...
Digital technologies have the potential to enrich the learning experience by opening classrooms and schools and by integrating real-life experiences and projects, as well as new learning tools, materi...