The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education was established as an integral part of UNESCO by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 29th session (November 1997) and is located in Moscow, Russian Federation. At the same session, the Statutes of IITE were adopted.
According to its Statutes, the Institute contributes to the design and implementation of the programmes of the Organization in regard to application of information and communication technologies in education. Hence, IITE serves a specific purpose within the fields of competence of UNESCO. It is principally programme-driven, responds to both global and country needs, is a part of an operational network of UNESCO structures and supports the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy as well as the programme priorities of UNESCO, as approved by the General Conference.
Following the intention to assist the Organization, IITE, within its status and functions, supports bridging the digital divide in education and building inclusive knowledge societies by reinforcement of national capacities in promoting e-environments for increasing access to education and lifelong learning, facilitating policy dialogue and initiate development of national strategies on application of ICTs in education.
IITE’s mission therefore is to serve as a centre of excellence and provider of technical support and expertise in the area of ICT usage in education. Accumulated experience allowed IITE to become a unique international expertise and resource centre, offering advice and guidance on reinforcing national potentials in ICT usage in education in the world.