The IDRC is the nexus of a growing global community that proactively works to ensure that our digitally transformed and globally connected society is designed inclusively. We are depended upon to identify risks and catalyze opportunities for equitable inclusion when new technical systems and associated practices emerge.
The group promotes inclusion in a full complement of activities:
- Growing inclusive design and development practices
- Creating open source tools that others can use and contribute to
- Teaching the theory and practice of inclusive design
- Helping to develop policies, regulations, guidelines and standards that support inclusion
- Providing services that support individuals in finding systems that match their needs
Established in 1993, the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) coordinates the Inclusive Design Institute. Both were founded by Dr. Jutta Treviranus with the help of her team and community.
Since we began in 1994, whenever a new technology emerges, we have raised awareness of the risks and helped to leverage the opportunities for greater inclusion. We find the gaps or difficult requirements that are not addressed, and co-design building blocks and other resources to fill the gaps. We give these away freely so that there are no barriers to inclusive adoption and so others can take ownership and multiply the impact.