Open AGH e-textbooks - state of the art in publishing academic resources
The benefits of open education have been the driving force for development of the strategy towards opening up STEM resources since the launch of Open AGH, the first repository of academic OER in Poland in 2010.
The second phase of the successful project was initiated in 2013. The aim was to create digital textbooks and content management system for developing, publishing and sharing STEM OER with the community.Academics, students, teachers and pupils can access, use and re-use open e-textbooks from October 2014 to support their learning and teaching in STEM subjects.
Modular e-textbooks
The modules are availiable for teachers and students to create their own e-textbooks according to their needs or requirements (AGH-UST Syllabus, other Qualification Framework etc.). The review process of the modules guarantees the quality of the textbooks developed by AGH-UST’s academics.
System for development and publication of e-textbooks
The online system for content development and publication was developed. The system facilitates review and proofreading. The e-tetxbook can be edited online or imported from LaTeX.
Flexibility of use
A variety of formats for download (PDF, DjVu, ePub, MOBI, AZW3) make e-textbook availiable for different devices (computers, tablets, smartphones and e-book readers), while open formats support easy adaptation and modification.
Use and re-use
Open AGH e-textbooks are available under Creative Commons Attribution - Share alike 3.0 Poland license. They can be adapted for the local context (language, learning/teaching needs, culture etc.), updated, improved and brought back to the OER community. The openness of high quality content would lead to the development of new resources available in an open way. As there is still not enough localised digital STEM resources this is an important asset.
The e-textbooks are accessible without registration or log in. However, in order to treasure individual e-textbook an account can be created. The content is designed according to the accessibility standards defined in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Visit e-textbooks
Open academic e-textbooks for physics and mathemathics are designed to cover the scope of both subjects taught at all AGH-UST faculties. The first pilot e-textbooks for physics are available on and provide a sound alternative for learning materials for basic engineering course in physics at 1st year of study.