DHARMAIAH DEVARAPALLI Professor CSE SVECW dharma@svecw.edu.in 9440669164 Research specialization in Computational Intelligence, Bioinformatics, IOT, Deep Learning
Educational Qualifications: 2008-2014, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering 2002-2005, Andhra University, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, M.Tech in Computer Science and Technology M.Tech in CST with 73.14% with First Class Division 1998-2002, JNTU Hyderabad, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering B.Tech in CSE with 67.54% with First Class Division 1994-1996, Intermediate Board of Education Hyderabad, Sri Venkateswara Junior College, Gannavaram Intermediate in MPC with 69.6% with First Class Division 1993-1994, School of Secondary Certificate Hyderabad, ZPPBoys High School, Gannavaram SSC with 70.16% with First Class Division.
Experiences: 2015-06- Till date, Professor, for Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram. 2008-06 - 2015-06, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistance Professor, Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam. 2007-10 - 2008-06, Assistant Professor, Gokararju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. 2006-05 - 2007-09, Assistant Professor, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad. 2006-07 - 2007-05, Assistance Professor, Sir C R R College of Engineering,Eluru.
Thesis Title :Computational Intelligence Techniques for the Clinical Diagnosis and Control Diabetic Mellitus using Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor levels.
Awards Won: Best Engineering Teachers award 2013 for the overall academic performance at VIIT, in 2013 Visakhapatnam. AP,India. PRATIBHA AWARD for the academic excellent in VIIT, Visaphapatnam,AP,India. Decennial celebrations Decifest 2k12 on 27th – 29th Dec 2012. Sasatra Award for active participation in Research & Development activities and paper publication at VIIT Visakhapatnam, AP,India. Decennial celebrations Decifest 2k12 on 27th- 29th December 2012. Won the Best Project Award in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Gudlavalleru Engineering college for the project “E_conference” in the year 2002. Won the Second Best Project Award Overall for the project “E_conference” in Gudlavalleru Engineering College in the year 2002.
Skills :C,C++,UNIX/Windows Operating systems and Python. Memberships : CSI, IEEE, ACM, IE-I, IRED, IAENG International Journals Published : 13 International Conference published : 13 Organized Workshops : 02 Number of workshops & FDP participated : 40 Number of seminars participated : 01 M.Tech Projected Guided : 09 B.Tech Project Guided : 42 Publications after Doctoral Degree [1] Srikanth Panigrahi, Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Presented paper title: “SPAKHI: Design and Analysis of Novel Dissimilarity Measure for Efficient Clustering and Computational Intelligence Techniques using High Dimensional Datasets” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Satyabama Institute of technology, during 3rd -5th April 2019. [2] Srikanth Panigrahi, Dharmaiah Devarapalli, presented the paper Title: “TEJU: Fraud Detection and Improving Classification Performance for Bankruptcy Datasets Using Machine Learning Techniques” in International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019) to be held in Amity University Rajasthan during February 26-28, 2019 for oral presentation and publication in Elsevier SSRN series. [3] Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Srikanth Panigrahi, presented the paper Title: “A Novel Fuzzy Rules for Radial Basis Function Network Using BDNF with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus ” in International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Technologies - (ICICCT - 2019) to be held in BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women, Hyderabad, INDIA.during January 09th - 11th, 2019 Springer series in Applied Science. [4] Dharmaiah Devarapalli,Panigrahi Srikanth, MandaRam Narasinga Rao, J. Venkata Rao, Identification of AIDS disease severity based on computational intelligence techniques using clonal selection algorithm., Int. J. of Convergence Computing, 2016 Vol.2, No.3/4, pp.193 – 207, 2018. [5] Panighrahi Srikanth, Anusha.Chandramalla, Dharmaiah Devarapalli, A Computational Intelligence Technique for Effecive Medical diagnosis using Decision Tree Algorithm, i- manager's Journal of Computer Science, Vol-1,page 21-26, April 2015. [6] Srikanth Phanigrahi, Dharmaiah Devarapalli, “CFTDISM:Clustering Financial Text Documents Using Improved Similarity Measure” IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore - 641659, Tamil Nadu, India. 2017. [7] Dharmaiah.Devarapalli, Srikanth Phanigrahi “ A Novel Cluster Algorithms of Analysis & Predict for Brain Derived Neurotrophic level”, 3rd International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies(IC3T) from at DVR & Dr.HS MIC College of Technology, Vijayawada, A.P. and presented a Technical Paper titled published in Springer AISC, November 2016. [8] Srikanth Phanigrahi, Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Published paper titled “A Critical Study of Classification Algorithms Using Diabetes Diagnosis” 6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC-2016) during 27th-28th February 2016 Organized by SRKR Engineering college, Bhimavaram, AP, India. [9] Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Participated at conference Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICCISC-2015) during 19th-20th December 2015 Organized by Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(IBCB) Visakhapatnam. [10] Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Srikanth Phanigrahi “Identification Of Aids Disease Severity Using Genetic Algorithm” published as International Conference on Computational Intelligence : Health and Disease, Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics, SPRINGER ,Series Title :Briefs in Forensic and Medical Bioinformatics,Page 99-111,2015,DOI-10.1007/978-981-287-338-5- 8,ISBN-978-981-287-338-5,online ISBN 978-981-287-338-5,serious ISSN-2191-530x. [11] Dharmaiah Devarapalli, Ch Anusha,Srikanth Phanigrahi “ Identification Of Deleterious Snps In Tacr1 Gene Using Genetic Algorithm” published as International Conference on Computational Intelligence : Health and Disease, Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics, SPRINGER ,Series Title :Briefs in Forensic and Medical Bioinformatics, Page 87-97,2015,DOI-10.1007/978- 981-287-338-5-7,ISBN-978-981-287-337-8,online ISBN 978-981-287-338-5,serious ISSN-2191- 530. Online Certificate Course: NPTEL( IOT,CC,JOP,CD) COURSERA: ADSA Research Supervisor : Department of CSE, JNTU Kakinada in the year 2016 year onwards
Schema: SERB: Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science Area: Electrical Electronics & Computer Engineering (Engineering Sciences) Total Cost: Rs-30,07,234/- Duration :36 Months Title:”Efficiently Patient Behavior Identification with IOT Using Computational Intelligence Techniques” Industry-Interaction needed: FluidAI(Trutech Webs Private Ltd.) 7th Floor,Tower A, Naman Midtown, S.B.Marg Elphinstone Road (W), Mumbai-400 013. Phone :(022) 4920 9000,Email :info@fluid.ai Academia -Interaction needed : IITs-(Bombay,Madras,) IISc-Banglore, ISI –Kolkata, Computational Intelligence Group-Spain Unnat Bharth Abhiyan AICTE project: College level Coordinator for Unnat Bharth Abhiyan, MHRD, India. Total Cost: Rs-250000/-