The OER World Map collects data related to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education as described in the Cape Town Declaration and the 2012 OER Paris Declaration. Please add only related data. If not obvious, please outline the reference to OER in the description field.
A group of people sharing collective goals: universities, corporations, associations, and many others.
A permanently available offering that provides functionality and value to its users.
A temporary undertaking intended to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.
A gathering of people which takes place at a certain location (virtual or physical) at a certain time.
A tool that can be used to produce and distribute OER or that enables access or contribution to OER in any particular way.
A formal regulation or strategy regarding the creation and use of OER.
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The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is a private foundation, established by Hewlett-Packard cofounder William Redington Hewlett and his wife Flora Lamson Hewlett in 1966. It awards grants to a va...
The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. UNESCO has 195 Members and eight Associate Members. It is governed by the General Confer...