The OER World Map collects data related to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education as described in the Cape Town Declaration and the 2012 OER Paris Declaration. Please add only related data. If not obvious, please outline the reference to OER in the description field.
A group of people sharing collective goals: universities, corporations, associations, and many others.
A permanently available offering that provides functionality and value to its users.
A temporary undertaking intended to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.
A gathering of people which takes place at a certain location (virtual or physical) at a certain time.
A tool that can be used to produce and distribute OER or that enables access or contribution to OER in any particular way.
A formal regulation or strategy regarding the creation and use of OER.
Projects, ideas and contents für German classes...
Being available since 2004 the ZUMWiki is one of the oldest OER-services of Germany.... was an open portal that provided material, information and ideas/concepts for German language lessons especially for refugees and asylum seekers. The main emphasis was focussed on di...
Wikis are extremely useful to develop and create interesting and various courses and classes. The wiki itself functions as a pool of information, a working tool, a presentation platform, an interactiv...
"ZUM Deutsch Lernen" is an open learning platform für German as foreign language (DaF) and German as second language (DaZ) on the levels A1 to C1. Learners and teachers can easily orientate themselves...
The Wikis on were a group of multiple wikis revolving around topics related to education, teaching and school. Actually has concentrated on only some high quality Wikis....
ZUM contributes to educational ressources by offering various editcational materials, that are openly created and meant to be used freely for any educational cause, especially for school. Given exampl...
The elementary learning portal is a wiki for primary education participants, teachers and pupils as well as parents. Wikis are in use as computerbased tools for didactic purposes. The Wiki contents a...
Am 12. und 13. September 2014 lud Wikimedia Deutschland in Berlin zur zweiten Konferenz zu Open Educational Resources (OER) ein. Die OERde14 lieferte einen umfassenden Überblick über den Stand von fre...
Beim OERcamp zeigen OER-Macherinnen in Workshops und Sessions ihre Arbeit und laden zum praktischen Mitmachen ein. Das OERcamp findet 2017 bereits im sechsten Jahr in Folge statt. 2017 gibt es eine gr...
„Im deutschsprachigen Raum sind wir in Sachen Open Educational Resources im internationalen Vergleich eher noch rückständig.“ Diesen oder ähnliche Sätze äußern Experten in Interviews oder auf Podien g...