The European-wide Knowledge Alliance ‘BizMOOC‘ started on 1st of January 2016 and will run over a period of 3 years. The EU-funded project tackles the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour force and universities to increase their activities and exploitation (economies of scale) of the MOOC potential. It focuses on work force & HEI-training and the acquisition of labour market key competences through applying new methodologies for online teaching & learning. This will be achieved by creating common standards & frameworks on MOOCs by integrating the experiences from Higher Education and the business world.
The consortium consists of 11 full partners and 3 associate partners out of 11 countries deriving from HEIs & Industry (large companies & SMEs), NGOs, networks, cluster. Jointly they will establish of a common body of knowledge on MOOCs, identify needs, gaps & reasons for businesses, labour force and HEIs to boost their MOOC activities which will result in guidelines, recommendations & good practice published in an interactive, open access MOOC BOOK. Based on this, 3 Pilot MOOCs focusing on LLL (life-long learning) and business key competences “Learning to learn (through MOOCs)”, “sense of initiative (entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship)” and “innovation, creativity & problem-solving” will be developed to test different methods & didactical approaches.
BizMOOC benefits businesses, HEIs, teachers, learners & policy-makers through the core results MOOC BOOK (business & quality models, methods & tools, IPR strategies, certification, competence-based education etc.), Pilot MOOCs, BizMOOC Community & events.