The OER World Map collects data related to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Education as described in the Cape Town Declaration and the 2012 OER Paris Declaration. Please add only related data. If not obvious, please outline the reference to OER in the description field.
A group of people sharing collective goals: universities, corporations, associations, and many others.
A permanently available offering that provides functionality and value to its users.
A temporary undertaking intended to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints.
A gathering of people which takes place at a certain location (virtual or physical) at a certain time.
A tool that can be used to produce and distribute OER or that enables access or contribution to OER in any particular way.
A formal regulation or strategy regarding the creation and use of OER.
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Das Projekt OER.UP hat das Ziel, die nachhaltige Nutzung von offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) in den verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen der Universität Potsdam sowie den angrenzenden Hochschulen zu stärk...
In the “Learn: Digital Competence Network”, evidence-based further and continuing education, materials and school development concepts for digitally supported teaching are being developed in around 20...
The OERLe project aims to establish OER and OEP in the second stage of teacher education for the topic of sustainability. OER have already been presented at the first teacher education stage, this pr...
Zentrales Ziel des Projektes "Community zum Wissenstransfer OER: Netzwerk von Bildungsakteur:innen" (Co-WOERK) ist die Etablierung einer bundesländerübergreifenden OER-Community für die Bereiche Ho...
Development of OER in the teacher course "Physics with Star Wars et al." at the University of Potsdam....
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt OERLe, welches OER und OEP in der zweiten Phase der Lehrkräftebildung anhand des Themenschwerpunktes BNE etablieren möchte. ...