JOINTLY organizes co-operation activities between OER actors and supports OER multipliers in the development and dissemination of their open educational ressources.
In the "OER Content Buffet" they can cooperate and collect content for OER qualification and awareness-raising activities, prepare it for their target groups and ensure quality. Therefore JOINTLY organizes workshops, support of experts, webinars, courses and much more.
OER-promoting software solutions arise in developer cooperations, whose results are open source and freely usable. JOINTLY organizes several “Hack4OER” hackathons to i.e. improve learning platforms with OER extensions, automatic metadata generation and interfaces between OER portals.
JOINTLY brings together educational and IT experts. Together we develop concepts, for example for OER-promoting infrastructures. Ideas and concepts are presented in transfer workshops and discussed in the community; IT concepts are previously tested in the "OER-IT laboratory".
JOINTLY is a collaborative project of iRights e.V., the University of Applied Sciences Lübeck, edu-sharing NETWORK e.V. and the GWDG.
- English
- German